Welcome to our Sunday sermons! Join us as we explore the teachings of the Bible and discover how they apply to our lives today. Feel free to take notes, reflect, and share your thoughts with the community.
9-8-24. Titus: Living Truth Do You Remember? Titus 3:1-8​
I. Believers Are To Be Reminded (vs 1-2)
II. Believers Are To Remember (vs 3-7)
III. Belivers Are To Be Devoted (vs 8)
9-15-24. The Solution. 1 Corinthians 2:1-5
I. Proclamation of the Gospel (vs 1)
II. Knowledge of the Gospel (vs 2)
III. Power of the Holy Spirit (vs 3-5)
9-22-24. Titus: Living Truth. The Ways of False Teachers Titus 3:9-11
I. Their Ways Are To Be Avoided (vs 9)
II. Their Ways Are Divisive (vs 10)​
III. Their Ways Are Self-Condemning (vs 11)
9-29-24. Titus: Living Truth. Good Works: Love on Display. Titus 3:12-15
I. Good Works Serves Others (vs 12-13)
II. Good Works Protects Believers (vs 14)​
III. Good Works Expresses Love (vs 15)
10-6-24. God's Wisdom. 1 Corinthians 1:18-31.
I. A Message That is Foolish. (vs 18-25)
II. A People Who are Weak. (vs 26-29)
III. A Savior Who is Perfect. (vs 31-31)
10-13-24. Obadiah: Judgement & Restoration. Why Preach Obadiah? Obadiah 1:1
I. Obadiah is God's Word
II. Obadiah is For God's People
III. Obadiah is Relevant
10-20-24. Obadiah: Judgement & Restoration. Pride's End Result. Obadiah 1:2-9
I. Pride Leads to Self-Deception (vs 2-4)
II. Pride Leads to Ruin (vs 5-7)
III. Pride Leads to Death (vs 8-9)
10-27-24. Obadiah: Judgement & Restoration. The Case Against Edom. Obadiah 1:10-18
I. The Charge (vs 10-11)
II. The Evidence (vs 12-14)
III. The Judgement (vs 15-18)
11-10-24. Obadiah: Judgement & Restoration. Restored. Obadiah 1:19-20
I. Restoration of the Land (vs 19)
II. Restoration of the People (vs 20)
III. Reign of the Lord (vs 21)
11-17-24. A Passion For The Gospel. Romans 1:16-17
I. Because of the Message of the Gospel (vs 16a)
II. Because of the Power of the Gospel (vs 16b)
III. Because of the Offer of the Gospel (vs 16c)
IV. Because of the Revelation of the Gospel (vs 17)